RE: Shameful Vote in the House Passes War Funding Bill

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Webster, Christine Kaye (
Fri, 15 May 2009 11:25:55 -0500

From: "Webster, Christine Kaye" <>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 11:25:55 -0500
Subject: RE: Shameful Vote in the House Passes War Funding Bill
Message-ID: <>


How curious it is on the same day to receive e-mails about outrageous feder al military spending, a request for proposals to the 2009 August "Understan ding and Overcoming Poverty in Wisconsin," request for an RSVP to attend Ba dgerCare Plus training and support requested for the Paycheck Fairness Act!

As long as hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens are mired in their attemp ts to survive during our economic crisis, the feds count on us NOT particip ating in OUR democracy!

Thanks, Karen

-----Original Message----- From: [mailto: [mailto:sfpj-request@listserve.uwec.e du] On Behalf Of Pope, Karen O. Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 9:05 AM To: SFPJ Subject: FW: Shameful Vote in the House Passes War Funding Bill

We have a broken system. People foreclosed on are out on the streets with their belongings, workers have no job security, cities are crumbling, we have no affordable health ca re, we have created refugee populations in 3 countries but won't help with the Darfur genocide. But we have money for more military! PLEASE DO SOMETHING! At least call Feingold and Kohl today. See below for the vote. Karen

________________________________________ From: The Declaration of Peace [] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 11:37 PM To: Pope, Karen O. Subject: Shameful Vote in the House Passes War Funding Bill

[ template-header.png]

On Thursday afternoon, an overwhelming majority in the U.S. House of Repres entatives voted in favor of the $96.7 billion Supplemental Appropriations b ill< fATW5q5DkuZHvvKcisrilL>, despite great constituent pressure to vote against
 war funding.

The spending measure provides over $84 billion<http://salsa.democracyinacti> for U.S. m ilitary operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and increases U.S. involvement in Pakistan.

A sickening vote!

368 Congress members voted for more war funding, escalating U.S. military o perations in Afghanistan and maintaining a high level of U.S. troops in Ira q through Sept. 30, 2009. Only 60 Representatives (including 9 Republicans)
 voted against more money for military occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Next week, a vote on the 2009 Supplemental Appropriations bill is expected in the full Senate, after the Senate Appropriations Committee today approve d a $91.3 billion version< v=2&c=NVJzBPn3v4ZFiXBbOARdl3vvKcisrilL> of the war-funding bill.

Please tell your Senators to vote "NO" on funding devastating U.S. wars.

Click here< r%2FVqG5ZXMAH%2B%2BEhOn3nvvKcisrilL> to see the House of Representatives ro ll call vote tally<
=84TuEyleMr0RQIpKEZKRd3vvKcisrilL> on the 2009 Supplemental Appropriation s bill.

C-SPAN coverage< VbFRTeXAphGPZAKEgQS443vvKcisrilL> of House Debate on War Appropriations ~ M ay 14, 2009
(1 hour 15 minutes)

Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey speaks< ack.jsp?v=2&c=R7lN%2BcsK%2FG%2Bi8qTk6bJ32XvvKcisrilL> against war fundi ng ~ May 14, 2009
(29 minutes)


Amidst this tragedy in Congress today, an excellent article by David Smith- Ferri was published. Be sure to read "A New Way" <http://salsa.democracyina>

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