Re: Senator Russ Feingold Listening Sessions Next Week

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Pope, Karen O. (
Sun, 24 May 2009 10:28:40 -0500

From: "Pope, Karen O." <>
Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 10:28:40 -0500
Subject: FW: Senator Russ Feingold Listening Sessions Next Week
Message-ID: <>

Dear colleagues: PLEASE see below and forward this to your lists and friends and attend one of these sessions.

I consider Senator Feingold one legislator who actually still listens to "t he people" and who CAN effect change. He needs to see you and hear you. M ost of us are well and insured; we only can imagine what it must be like fo r someone who looses insurance based health care through job loss or what i t's like to have major health problems and insurers decide to "deny" covera ge of a claim.

We also need to hold OBAMA to his campaign pledge and statements, on which he is now hedging and back-sliding. This is an American crisis, every bit as bad as the financial one just funded with OUR tax dollars. I am persona lly appalled that we can fund a WAR supplemental to the tune of billions an d NOT consider fully funding inclusive health care. Obama leaned hard on t he democrats to pass that; his political popularity and will can change the
 discussion on health care coverage, too, if he wants it and he is MADE to listen to the people who elected him.

If you did not watch Bill Moyers Single-Payer program on Friday, you should
. It ought to be required viewing for all legislators. It's here. http:/

Obama contact info HERE: Hold him to his words as both an Illinois senator and a presidential candid ate.

Karen Osborne Pope Associate Professor Emerita, McIntyre Library University of WI - Eau Claire cell 715 529 0272

________________________________________ From: brian rothgery [] Sent: Saturday, May 23, 2009 6:31 PM To: Subject: Senator Russ Feingold Listening Sessions Next Week

Dear Friend,

The debate over health care reform legislation is really heating up in Cong ress. There is a growing consensus that Congress must ensure that consumers
 have the choice of joining a public health insurance plan or purchasing pr ivate health insurance. 31 Senators have signed a letter or co-sponsored a resolution calling for a public health insurance option, but conservative o bstructionists and health care profiteers are pushing back hard.

Senator Feingold will host four listening sessions in your area next week, on Tuesday May 26 and Wednesday May 27. Will you attend one of these listen ing sessions and tell Senator Feingold that everyone deserves access to qua lity, affordable health care?

We need to remind Senator Feingold that we’re counting on him and other l eaders in Congress to come up with a solution to skyrocketing health care c osts, and make sure everyone has access to affordable health care that meet s their needs.

Here is Senator Feingold’s schedule. The listening sessions are informal and last for one hour.

Tuesday, May 26

11:00 AM, Clark County: Loyal City Hall, 301 North Main Street, Loyal

1:45 PM, Chippewa County: Stanley Fire Department, 239 E. First Ave., Stanl ey

Wednesday, May 27

8:15 AM, Dunn County: County Board Rm., Dunn Co. Government Center, 800 Wil son Ave., Menomonie

10:45 AM, Eau Clair County: Health Education Center, CV Tech College, 615 W
. Clairemont Ave., Eau Claire

Everyone who submits their name is called on to ask a question or make a st atement.

*Not sure what to ask? Here are some sample questions for Senator Feingold:

1) You have signed on to a letter, written by Senator Sherrod Brown, that c alls for the creation of a public health insurance plan option. A public pl an could come in many forms. In your opinion, what is the best form/structu re for a public health insurance plan?

2) Some moderate Republicans are calling for delaying implementation of a p ublic health insurance plan, and not including a public option in this year s massive overhaul legislation. Do you think consumers should have to wait for the option of a public health insurance plan?

3) Senator Max Baucus, chair of the Finance Committee, has said it’s very
 important to him to pass health care reform with overwhelming bipartisan s upport. What is more important, passing health care legislation with a supe r majority of 70 or 80 Senators, or passing health care legislation that br ings down costs and guarantees everyone access to health care that covers w hat they need and is affordable?

4) Will you commit to encouraging your colleagues to publicly declare their
 support for a public health insurance option?

Please reply to this email if you plan to attend a Feingold listening sessi on.

Can't attend but want to help? Click here to send an email to Senator Kohl<> and ask him to declare his support for a public health insurance plan.

Thank you!



Brian Rothgery

Health Care for America Now! Citizen Action of Wisconsin

(414) 476 - 4539 (office)

(608) 219 - 2064 (mobile)

Click here to donate to Citizen Action< donate.asp?formid=donate>

Click here to sign our petition< l2.asp?formid=GotHC_PC2>

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