Re: Act today -- 5,000 casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan

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Pope, Karen O. (
Thu, 4 Jun 2009 09:15:48 -0500

From: "Pope, Karen O." <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 09:15:48 -0500
Subject: FW: Act today -- 5,000 casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan
Message-ID: <>

This sad milestone acknowledged.


________________________________________ From: Laurie Creasy, American Friends Service Committee [From: Laurie Creasy, American Friends Service Committee [actioncenter@afsc. org] Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2009 1:30 PM To: Pope, Karen O. Subject: Act today -- 5,000 casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan


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Write a letter to the editor today -- 5,000 casualties is too many!<http://>

Dear Karen,

We reached 5,000 on Monday afternoon — 5,000 U.S. troops killed in wars i n Iraq and Afghanistan.

Lately Iraq seems like the war time forgot. People have moved on. Most ma jor media outlets no longer have staff there.

[]But the daily
 reality of life and death in a war zone continues. In fact, May was the bl oodiest month for U.S. soldiers in Iraq since last September.

And now there’s Afghanistan. U.S. troops are to be completely withdrawn from Iraq over the next three years. Many could be redeployed to Afghanista n.

The G.I. and civilian deaths will increase there, too.


That’s the human cost of both wars for the United States. The human cost for Iraq and Afghanistan is much greater. It’s a cost that’s too high e motionally for friends, for families, and for all three nations as a whole.

We want our troops home now. We need timely plans for complete withdrawal in both countries.

Please join us by sending a letter to the editor< te/R?i=7QN1iTPpU5zIYlvDrtlf3A..> or downloading our 5000th milestone sign s <> (like the o ne above) to use in your windows or at a vigil.


Laurie Creasy, American Friends Service Committee

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