ROTC Senate Motion

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Nowlan, Bob (
Fri, 12 Mar 2010 19:54:40 -0600

From: "Nowlan, Bob" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 19:54:40 -0600
Subject: ROTC Senate Motion
Message-ID: <>

At our next University Senate meeting on March 23, the Senate will consider
 the motion-attached-to change the prefix for the existing pilot ROTC progr am on this campus from MGMT to MLS and at the same time approve the establi shment of a permanent, no longer pilot, ROTC program at UWEC. At the last
 senate meeting this past Tuesday the University Senate voted 29-9 to delay
 voting on whether to approve or not in order to gather more feedback from faculty and staff across campus about what the sense of faculty and staff i s on this issue. If members of SFPJ maintain strong positions on this issu e, I suggest you should make them known, including (especially) by coming, if at all possible, to the senate meeting on the 23rd. Other means of mak ing your positions known are of course possible too, including by sending t hese on to me. Faculty and staff teaching in the ROTC program have attend ed Academic Policies Committee and Senate meetings to speak in support of t his proposal. It seems possible that Staff and Faculty for Peace and Just ice might have some position to represent in relation to this issue, and mi ght want to come to the next senate meeting to represent this position.

Bob Nowlan English

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