350.org petition

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Pope, Karen O. (POPEKJ@uwec.edu)
Fri, 7 May 2010 18:40:46 -0500

From: "Pope, Karen O." <POPEKJ@uwec.edu>
Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 18:40:46 -0500
Subject: 350.org petition
Message-ID: <4F19260FE7477F4DA03B00B62E7F639079958DF36D@CHERRYPEPSI.uwec.edu>


You've probably seen the devastating images of the BP oil spill in the Gulf
--it's shaping up to be one of the largest environmental disasters in Ameri can history.

It's a crisis--but it's also a huge opportunity to push for stronger enviro nmental protection and a shift towards clean energy. President Obama has p ut a "temporary moratorium" on offshore drilling in the wake of the disaste r, but we need more. We need a PERMANENT BAN on offshore drilling..

I just signed a petition demanding just that--can you join me? http://www.3 50.org/drilling-ban

You can also join the Facebook group by clicking here: http://www.facebook. com/dont-drill

Thanks--working together we can make our voices heard and help stop future disasters like this.

Karen Osborne Pope Associate Professor Emerita, McIntyre Library University of WI - Eau Claire popekj@uwec.edu cell 715 529 0272

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