Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 16:20:48 -0800 (PST) From: Elizabeth Terlinden <> Subject: PastPerfect membership records
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to enter married couples in PastPerfec
t membership? Our membership categories include "individual," "family" and
"senior citizen." Some couples join as family, others as 2 senior citi
zen members. For example, I'll say our membership consists of 50 married
couples, one of whom is John and Mary Smith. I entered both toge
ther in "add new contact": Thus, under "first name," there were two names:
John and Mary, and under "salutation," I put in: Mr. and Mrs, rather than a
n individual salutation. The only thing the manual says is "a separate reco
rd may be created for each individual." and that they could be linked. Th
e first way (entering both as one contact) seems like it would throw off th
e membership count. Also, if one dies, "stop mail" stops the membership/ ma
ilings for the surviving spouse. The second way - entering them individua
lly and linking them seems like each household would get 2 of each mailing.
hope you can understand this the way I've written it! Thank you in advance
Bettsy Terlinden, Clark House Museum, Pewaukee