From: "Kaldjian, Paul J." <> Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 08:52:26 -0500 Subject: Foodlums event Message-ID: <>
Dear SFPJ,
I would like to invite you to an event that the Foodlums are hosting next w
eek on Tuesday. If you feel it is appropriate, will you please pass this i
nvitation on to your faculty and staff. The press release for the event ca
n be found at
Thank you.
On Tuesday, May 8th at 2pm, the Foodlums (the UWEC Food Club) will be holdi
ng a ceremony to inaugurate the club's new gardens in the courtyard of the
Phillips Science Building on the Campus of the UW - Eau Claire. The event
is also to introduce the club and its efforts to University students, facul
ty and officials, local business owners, politicians, local media and commu
nity members. The club requests your presence at this event and would very
much like you to join the Foodlums as it works to cultivate the Eau Claire
community and promote ways to link local production with local consumption
. After a few words from the Chancellor, the Dean of Arts and Sciences and
members of the Foodlums, there will be a ceremonial seed sowing/plant tran
splanting followed by a reception of local foods.
The Foodlums are a new academic and social organization serving both the un
iversity and the broader Eau Claire community. It grew out of a Geography
of Food course. The goals of the club are to promote healthy and responsib
le eating, the benefits of local foods, and to help raise student and commu
nity interest and awareness in their food system. The Foodlums are working
toward sponsoring such things as public lectures, campus and community eve
nts, encouraging creative and realistic alternatives to unsustainable food
systems, and to create service learning opportunities in the Eau Claire com
We look forward to your attendance. Feel free to call or email me, the Foo
dlums' faculty advisor, at (715) 836-3244 or<mailto:kaldj> if you have any questions.
Dr. Paul Kaldjian
Associate Professor of Geography
Dept. of Geography and Anthropology
University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI 54702