Re: Academic Activist Dialogues at the US Social Forum, June 27-July 1 in Atlanta, GA

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Mowry, Donald D. (
Fri, 4 May 2007 10:51:22 -0500

From: "Mowry, Donald D." <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 10:51:22 -0500
Subject: FW: Academic Activist Dialogues at the US Social Forum, June 27-July 1 in Atlanta, GA 
Message-ID: <>

Dear Colleagues,

A Call to Sociologists, Scholar-Activists, and Researchers to Participate i n the United States Social Forum (USSF)

Don Mowry


The first United States Social Forum will be held from June 27-July 1 in Atlanta, GA. The theme is "Another World is Possible - Another U.S. is Necessary!"

While many nations across the globe have held their own social forums, nationally, locally, and thematically, this will be the first national foru m event in the US and marks a very important opportunity for the US activist and academic community to join the globe. A good turn out at the US Social Foru m will empower our national activists' networks and increase US awareness tha t there are alternatives to corporate domination, that classism, racism, gend er discrimination, homophobia are being fought here and abroad, and that the U S must join and follow the rest of the global community in making another wor ld possible.

Please consider participating in a USSF event and join in Sociologists With out Borders and Sociologists for Women in Society in the Academic Activists Dialogues that joins sociologists, scholars, scholar-activists, and researc hers with national and grassroots activist organizations. These events will be organized thematically or regionally. If you are interested in participatin g please email Marina Karides ( with your contact informati on and areas of research interest. Events at the USSF will be held on June
, 28th, 29th, and 30th and a schedule of events should be available in mid-Ma y.


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