From: "Gragert, Jeremy Evan" <> Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008 15:34:05 -0500 Subject: Teen Court Development Meeting - Aug. 11 Message-ID: <>
To SFPJ folks: This may interest you who want to learn about ways to not ha
ve to jail so many people in Eau Claire County.
-- Jeremy
Monday, 11 August 2008
6:00PM to 8:00PM
Chippewa Valley Technical College
620 W. Clairemont Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Join us as we welcome Nancy Livingston.
Nancy will be giving an informational presentation on WI Teen Courts
Nancy's presentation will focus on existing teen court programs
As well as educate the Eau Claire community about options for the Eau Clair
e Teen Court
Teen courts typically hear the cases of juveniles between the ages of 12 an
d 17 who have committed one non-violent offense or who are minor repeat off
enders. In most programs, offenders must admit guilt and agree to abide by
the program's decision before the court accepts their case.
Light refreshments will be served (Catered by CVTC's Chartwells)
A community questionnaire will be distributed in order to voice comments an
d concerns
Please RSVP by August 6 to 715.552.2419
Presentation sponsored by:
Lutheran Social Services Chippewa Valley Technical College Eau Claire County Circuit Courts Eau Claire Coalition for Youth Eau Claire County Juvenile Court Intake Eau Claire County Restorative Justice Center for Service-Learning at UW-Eau Claire