RE: A few announcements and an invitation

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Pope, Karen O. (
Wed, 27 Aug 2008 09:54:15 -0500

From: "Pope, Karen O." <>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 09:54:15 -0500
Subject: RE: A few announcements and an invitation
Message-ID: <>

Dear Bob: The campus will sure miss Jeremy and thanks for the updates. I can't belie ve how much your committed group has accomplished. I am in awe of your ene rgy and progressive activism and contributions to EC. Thank you for your w ork. I hope someone has archived the Progressive Outpost and that it is only a h iatus in publishing. Many fine publications do that! I will follow up with some other opportunities for fall activism in a next message to sfpj, but want to personally THANK you and Jeremy.


Karen Osborne Pope Associate Professor Emerita, McIntyre Library University of WI - Eau Claire contact: 715 529 0272
________________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Nowlan, Bob [] Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 4:00 PM To: Sfpj Subject: A few announcements and an invitation

Greetings, Friends, SFPJ:

    As the start of the fall 2008 semester rapidly approaches I thought tha t I would take the time to share with you a few announcements, and an invit ation, that you may find of interest.

    First, as I expect many if not most of you already know, Jeremy Gragert
, who has worked as an Americorp/Vista rep, based at UWEC, and working out of/in conjunction with the Center for Service Learning the past three years
, after completing his undergraduate degree at UWEC in history and journali sm, is now starting his first semester this fall as a graduate student at U W-LaCrosse. Jeremy was a phenomenal progressive organizer and activist in this area, and he will be greatly missed. Yet I am sure all those of you w ho know Jeremy and who have worked with him over the years agree with me in
 wishing him all the best for the greatest success in LaCrosse.

    Second, as of last spring the Progressive Media Outlook had to stop pro ducing _Progressive Outpost_. Not only did we run out of money, but it was
 too much for just two people to make happen, even when one was someone as tireless and talented as Jeremy. I'm glad we were able to publish what we did, I think it was a useful paper, and I'm sorry that it can't continue. But, in the future, if a critical mass of progressives here are interested in starting up a similar paper I'll be glad to assist.

    Third, after three consecutive successful years, the Eau Claire Progres sive Film Festival is going on hiatus for this academic year, and there won
't be a festival next spring. I am committed toward restarting the ECPFF i n the 2009-2010 academic year, but it is time to take a break so as to regr oup. We--including especially I--have spent a lot of money to help make it
 happen these past three years, and we need to replenish our financial mean s. Also, even more significantly, last year we were down to only six stude nts working toward helping put the Festival together. And that meant a gre at deal of work for John Nicksic (student director) and I. John has gradua ted and moved on, as of last spring, and together with him leaving Eau Clai re and UWEC, and Jeremy also, who always did a lot to make ECPFF happen, it
 would be way too much for me to handle this year; I need some time to recr uit new staff. Plus, for the first time in awhile I'll be teaching an uppe r level film class--in German Cinema--in the spring, and we will most likel y be taking a field trip/doing a special project around the time in which t he ECPFF would run. But look for ECPFF to return next year-in April of 201 0.

    As for the invitation, I'm currently faculty advisor at UWEC for the Pr ogressive Student Association, the Progressive Media Network (student branc h), Amnesty International, and ACLU-UWEC. I am glad to advise and assist t hese organizations, and plan to continue doing so. However, over the cours e of the past three years Jeremy Gragert acted as a de facto associate advi sor for these organizations--and having someone like that, or a co-faculty- advisor, I think would be especially useful given the fact that my teaching
 and meeting schedule is filled Monday through Thursday late afternoons and
 early evenings, as well as Friday mid-afternoon (all the most common times
 for student organizations to hold meetings). Of course often student orga nizations will make progress or not regardless of what level of contact wit h and input from a faculty advisor they maintain. Yet, if any of you out t here are potentially interested in joining me as co-advisor any of these or ganizations, I'm sure it would only end up being helpful to the students. So let me know if you are interested, or even if you want to ask some quest ions and think about this further before committing to it.

    Finally, in closing, I want to call your attention early on to the fact
 that the Chippewa Valley Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin is planning to hold its annual program, focusing on 'Fair and Unf air Elections', tentatively scheduled for the evening of Wednesday Septembe r 24, here at UWEC, room and specific time to be announced. More details w ill follow soon.


Bob Nowlan

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