From: "Pope, Karen O." <> Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 08:06:31 -0500 Subject: FW: $79 billion? Is Congress crazy? Message-ID: <>
Is representative government and individual voices of people without money
and access all but dead? Want money spent on human needs? Consider the co
ntinuing costs of war and compare to the strangling and slow death of state
budgets and programs, education systems, public health needs, you name it.
Do you have time to make 4 calls today?
From: Laurie Creasy, American Friends Service Committee [From: Laurie Creasy, American Friends Service Committee [actioncenter@afsc.
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 5:00 AM
To: Pope, Karen O.
Subject: $79 billion? Is Congress crazy?
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Dear Karen,
Early next month, Congress will vote on additional funding for the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan.
The price tag: $79.2 billion.
Of that, only $3.7 billion will be spent on nonmilitary assistance.
[]That means th
at for every $20 the United States spends waging war in Iraq and in Afghani
stan, our government spends less than $1 — less than $1! — to help the
Call your senators and your representative today.<
ite/R?i=XMXcAfbEuaTFGZ5IK6Xxbw..> Tell them this profligate war spending
must stop. Ask them to vote a resounding "NO!" to supplemental funding.
We know military force doesn’t work. We should be funding refugee assist
ance … development … diplomacy. We need the tools of peace.
Yet the United States spends $720 million a day in Iraq and $100 million a
day in Afghanistan — and in 2008, only 4.4% of the money spent in Afghani
stan went to U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) spending. If
your members of Congress support the war in Afghanistan, remind them that
even the Rand Corporation, a highly regarded source of research and analysi
s for the Department of Defense, states that our chances of military succes
s in Afghanistan are 7%.
It's time to stop the mistake of Iraq and to fix it.
It's time to stop repeating it.
Call Congress today and say NO to more war spending. <http://support.afsc.
Talk about peace and what it really means: clean water, education and jobs.
A future without fear.
Ask them to wage peace.
Laurie Creasy,
American Friends Service Committee
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